Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ordinary Food with Extraordinary Attributes

Several foods that usually appears to be simple to our sights are just sitting in our dining area which can make more amazing things aside from filling in our hungry tummies. Sometimes, we choose not to eat a lot, just to maintain our slim figure, not knowing that these foods are the ones that can keep you more fit and slender. Just like wild salmon, quinoa, lentils, sweet potatoes, olive oil, eggs, yogurt, edamame, that are proven to have slimming superpowers.

Wild salmons are often served in a Filipino restaurant, it has the fatty acids also known as omega-3 that could help you burn excess fats more effectively. They alter the activity of certain genes, converting your body to burn fat than storing it. In a study analyzing the diets of 35,000 women, published in Public Health Nutrition, those subjects who ate oily fish such as salmon two to four times per week had the lowest basal metabolic indexes. Also, a complete protein substance, quinoa has all the essential amino acids needed to build metabolism-revving muscle.

Lentil, is a type of legumes, that are abundant in resistant starch (RS), a kind of carbohydrate that may encourage our body to burn fat and eliminates fat cells. A study is executed at the University of Colorado in Denver and the researchers says that, the participants who enjoyed a meal with 5grams of RS, about what you get from 3/4 cup cooked lentils, they burned 23 percent more fat over 24 hours than the usual meal they had without the starch. Sweet potatoes, are also rich in RS, the same carbs found in lentils that may turn up the body's fat-burning mechanism.

RS may also increase the peptide hormone production, these are compounds that signals the brain to stop eating. Olive oil contains healthy monounsaturated fats that has the potential to alter the genes related to fat burning and storage. A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that, dieters following a low-calorie plan that emphasizes the intake of monounsaturated fats, protein and complex carbohydrate lost almost double the weight that dieters who ate the same amount of calories but less total fat and protein and more carbohydrate.

A staple Filipino food with eggs is rich with a compound  choline, which is known to help block fat absorption. According to a study in the International Journal of Obesity, after eight weeks, dieters who ate two eggs together with toast and jelly for breakfast five days a week lost 65 percent more weight than those who had a same-calorie bagel breakfast without eggs. Regular ,low fat and nonfat Greek yogurts contain 20 percent or more of your daily calcium needs.

Calcium slows down the production of cortisol, a hormone that enhances belly fat buildup. Edamame, is a green soybean that can serve up to 17grams of protein per cup, and your body burns more calories digesting protein than it does processing carbs and fat. The Federal University of Vicosa conducted a research and found that people burned approximately 70 percent more calories per day when their breakfast meal is mixed with soy protein versus other types of protein.

In addition, fruits like apple and kiwi are also capable of blocking calories and fats, a large kiwi has 84 milligrams of vitamin C, more than a day's quota. Vitamin C helps form a compound known as carnitine, that transports fat into cell mitochondria, where it's burned for energy during exercise. People with poor levels of vitamin C burned 10 percent less fat per pound of body weight while walking than those with normal levels of vitamin C, a study at Arizona State University in Mesa shows. But when subjects got a dose of vitamin C, their fat burning increased fourfold. Apple's 4 to 5 grams of fiber can help ferry out some of the fat and calories you take in from other foods. A study made in Penn State University in University Park determines that people who ate an apple 15 minutes before lunching on cheese tortellini consumed 187 fewer calories in total than those who snacked on nothing beforehand.

It is a bit surprising what those foods can do to our bodies, so instead of avoiding them, better to have them in your food stash and try to include it in your daily.

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